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Moneelta Sharma (Mon)



Mon is a founding member of myP3. She brings over 15 years’ experience that covers public and private sectors, with industries including manufacturing, resources, utilities, community, and IT service providers.

She is myP3’s expert in Project Online as a Service (POLaaS), and coordinates the customer services and training for users for the tool suite. Mon also manages myP3’s blueprint of development for future releases.

Working with customers, Mon uses first-hand knowledge to plan, impart knowledge and embed fit-for-purpose practices and controls. From assessment of current maturity as a baseline, she helps build and implement a roadmap for success and works closely with teams to achieve capability goals.

She helps myP3 customers on input to POLasS of their portfolio master plan, and leads and trains users in information maintenance including resource planning, costings, and progress resulting in quality performance reporting for governance boards.

PrINCE2, MSP, P3O, Primavera P6, CertIV TAA

And in her spare time...

Mon was born in Fiji and immigrated to Australia (Canberra) with her family when she was a child. It was a shock moving from the warm tropics to icy cold temperatures but Mon loved the novelty of it all!

That’s when her desire to experience new places, meet people and learn about different ways to live life was born. When Mon can travel, she does. She has lived and worked in 4 countries and traveled to over 50.

When Mon's at home she enjoys walking her dog in the outdoors and watching the sunset on the beach.

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